John Gass’ Post

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Flagrantly creative space "white beard"

It has been a long time coming but after two decades of trials and tribulations, June 24th will see the activation of Space Delta 18, the National Space Intelligence Center. I am honored to serve along with Col Marqus Randall as the Deputy Director. Oddly enough, my first year of government service was 35 years ago--the same year the last Service Intelligence Center was activated (MCIA). We have rented out the Nutter Center so that we can share this historic event with our Guardians, their families and friends, our partners in government, industry, and academia and our communities that support us every day. Semper Supra! #spaceforce #intelligence

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Michael Clark

Deputy Director Plans, Policy, and Partnerships, U.S. Cyber Command


I'm so envious. The DoD declared cyberspace a domain 18 years ago and we've had USCYBERCOM, a Combatant Command with Service-like responsibilities for provisioning the cyber operations force for 12 years, but the Defense Intelligence Enterprise still refuses to organize to support cyberspace operations. When will they recognize we desperately need an intel center focused on enabling Cyber Warfare?

John - you have done well, but no surprise there. Often remember your help and consult on the missions and interests of the past. If we could have only done more at the time, the nation would be better off. Hope your new endeavor works out well for you, and sure you will be of benefit to all. Cheers and Best, Bob Benson

Emily Aldrich

Senior Analyst at USAF


This is so exciting! I'm so happy to see this finally come to fruition. I'm still a HUGE fan of the Delta design...but I'm biased.

James Greer

Senior Project Leader at The Aerospace Corporation


Your fingerprints are all over the NSIC… and that’s a good thing. I look forward to the things that will come out of this team going forward, congrats and thank you!


Congratulations! This is indeed a historic moment!

Carol Northrup

Air University eSchool of Professional Military Education, Instructor at USAF Air War College


Congratulations! Please tell Marcus hello for me!

This is very cool.  Is it a Strategic Basing decision though?  35+ authorizations? Your friendly neighborhood AFCEC NEPA manager asking.... 

Brandon ("BT") Cesul

Space systems engineering expertise


Well deserved and absolutely needed. Congrats on your personal journey in this arena.. it's been a long time necessity for the community.

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